It's the Christmas season, lords and ladies, and that means a lot of folks will be busting out the credit cards and going into further debt to provide 'oohs' and 'aahs' come the morning marking the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Before anyone rolls their eyes and thinks, "Oh boy, Josh here's about to go on a tangent/sermon about the Christian vs Secular mythologies around Christmas", or "Incoming economics lecture," don't worry, this isn't either of those.
That comes later...
Any ro', what this is, ladies and gentlemen, is me simply taking the opportunity to say "Thank you" to those readers and fellow scribes who have supported my narrative efforts here on Substack for the last four years, and to do a little bit of shameless self-promotion while also waggling my freaking finger at this site's command structure.
In one of my more recent growl-fests, "Kumbaya Is Over", I observed my frustrations at having several of my contributed fiction short stories under the Liberty Magazine and Montag Publishing Stacks get wiped out without warning when the operator of those Stacks got banned without notice. I reached out to support, and they gave me a kind of polite non-answer when I asked what happened, why I wasn't notified that MY WORK got wiped out as a result of those Stacks being vanished. I reached out, at the suggestion of Indie News Network, directly and politely to Christ Best about the situation, explaining everything, and after a week of silence, I still got no response.
I ended up changing my settings, and now anything older than 6 weeks on my own Stack goes behind the paywall.
Well, there's plenty of folks who don't want yet another recurring payment to make annually or once a month, and to whom I'd still love to offer tales of the wonderful and weird. And so, I am happy to announce to you goodly folks that a selection of seven of my Amelia City Stories is now available, in a brand new collection, for sale! Entitled "The Justice of Amelia", I invite you all to click the link below, and pick up your copy for just $20 for addition to your bookshelves this Christmas!
And for anyone who wishes to know, one half of all profits from this collection will be set aside to start funding the establishment of Montag Publishing as its own independent publishing press; if you were incensed over the inexplicable termination of Liberty Magazine or Montag Publishing, this is your chance to let Substack know that they goofed up big when they chose to wipe someone out over a false mass reporting campaign, and that this deserves your patronage more than a subscription fee that partially goes to them.
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!