Reverend Jenkins and company remind me all too well of many other religious groups, such as the infamous gang at Westboro Baptist, who hypocritically preach the word of the Lord while ignoring the demands for mercy and sympathy for others He insisted on.

When I was researching the history of television animation in America, I found in the 1980s that there were several religious organizations who conducted what was largely a smear campaign against the animation studios active at that time, accusing them of being agents of Satan and child molesters with absolutely no evidence or proof. As a historian, I find it appalling that I have to show proof of my research and activity when writing via footnotes and bibliographies and such, and these people do not.- and yet they get taken seriously, still.

So I really don't have any love for their kind of activity.

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In the original Author's Note from the file as first presented, I clarified that yes, that's EXACTLY who this group is loosely based off of! Good eye, my friend!

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