On This Supposed 'Problem' On Substack
Mr Katz, Ms Kabas, Take Notice
Given the recent screeching echoing through the cyber halls of Substack in recent days concerning the 'Nazi Problem' the platform has, I decided it might be helpful to do a little experimentation. Since first coming across Marisa Kabas's since-deleted Note, wherein she lamented the apparent overwhelming plethora of such adamant knuckle-draggers on the platform, I figured it should be quite easy, within a couple of days' worth of randomly scrolling through the various topic tags one can quickly search by, to come across at least half a dozen examples of these SS-worshipping hatemongers, right?
Wrong. After three days, spending at LEAST fifteen minutes twice per day looking, I came across one, lone example, a shmuck who jumped into the comments of one of my fiction posts to try promoting/linking to his own paranoid screeds. That's it. I only found this LONE example because HE latched on to ME.
So, to Mr Katz, Ms Kabas, and anyone else flailing around like your hair is on fire about this, I would suggest that what is more likely is that you, like Media Matters before you over on Elon Musk's X platform, went OUT OF YOUR WAY IN SEARCH OF THESE NAZIS. Substack didn't randomly promote them to you, I suspect.
But I did come across no less than 20 examples, DAILY, of people calling for conservatives to be jailed, to be regarded with blanket scorn and suspicion, and two Substacks where authors recommended that J6th defendants face summary execution for their 'insurrection'. Fun stuff.
Might I suggest that, instead of spending all of this immense time and effort caterwauling about the fact that people YOU find disgusting (and I frankly agree with you there, they ARE disgusting) are able to make a living by pushing their tripe, a thing I could easily say the same of for both Katz and Kabas (seriously, these Internet Hall Monitors earn money for finger-wagging and begging for censorship? For saying "Govern me harder, Daddy!"), that these two and everyone else who copy-pastes this 'Call For Answers' (read: attempted bullying) take the time instead to do the following:
A) Name and shame these actual Nazi Substacks, and spend the length of a post pointing out all of their fallacies, their falsehoods, their non-starter assumptions and talking points. If you have any intellectual integrity or honesty about you, this should hardly be a challenge at all. We are talking here about ideas that have been successfully countered for DECADES, Mr Katz and Ms Kabas. Give it a try; I might actually read and enjoy your take-down of these troglodytes who, frankly, I see almost no evidence of even being ON Substack beyond Hennania (Herraria? I don't remember, I don't care about the jackass)
B) Quit demanding that YOUR red lines be the ones to be applied on every goddamned platform you touch your controlling tentacles to.
C) Start pointing out the extreme voices in your own camps, folks, because there are a LOT OF THEM, and the fact that they routinely engage in the exact same kind of dehumanizing rhetoric against their and your socio-political/ideological opposition as these spectral Nazis do against, well, anyone who isn't them, makes your buddies more kindred spirits with these digital skinheads than I would think you'd be comfortable with.
I am appalled that this censorious attitude has crept into my niche neck of the woods. I only half an hour ago found an email from Fictionistas, a Stack I appreciate for its highlighting the fiction writing element here on Substack, in my inbox, and it was yet another Copy-and-Paste of this twaddle.
I do not respect supremecists of any stripe, folks, and that includes of the sort that Katz and Kabas apparently are: Progressive Supremecists, who wield the crude club of censorship and the jagged stone knife of cutting off funding from those they find objectionable, but who they are either too dim-witted to verbally spar with, or are too cowardly to openly and directly confront.
Shame on both/all of you for attempting to use mob tactics and dialectic poison.
In summation, Mr. Katz, Ms. Kabas, I think you both missed your true callings. Really, I do. You're both obviously so concerned with the well-being of others, it strikes me that one or both of you should have instead become police officers, rather than paid writers. I mean, I can't imagine either of you agreeing to the paltry salary most policemen make, so that's a hurdle to get over. So too would be the physical capabilities most new officers demonstrate, I don't picture either of you when I use the words 'physically capable', not by a country mile.
Oh! Maybe exorcists instead! Yeah! I happen to believe that demons are real, and that demonic possessions occur throughout the world, even though they're extremely rare and nearly impossible to verify! Sort of like the degree of danger you propose is posed by Substack allowing these Nazi accounts to exist, you know?
In case you can't tell (and that's in serious question at this point), I am taking the piss with both/all of you who have signed on to this finger-wagging effort. If any of you had my respect before, it is, by dint of your joining this mob action, reduced to barely extant. And for you, Mr. Katz and Ms Kabas, well, I didn't much respect you as it was.
So, nothing of value is lost there.
In summation, Mr. Katz, Ms. Kabas, I think you both missed your true callings. Really, I do. You're both obviously so concerned with the well-being of others, it strikes me that one or both of you should have instead become police officers, rather than paid writers.
They wouldn't make good police officers in the states, because police officers have to have proof.
However, they'd make excellent bobbies, because British cops go chasing after tweets and facebook posts.
"Nazi" is a term that is often badly misused to apply to any sort of extremism on either political side that the author chooses to ascribe the term to. How much of this actually has to do with the term's origin- the German abbreviation of the name of Adolf Hitler's National Socialist political party-cum-cult- is beyond my comprehension. But slurs of any kind have no business being cavalierly bandied about.