In summation, Mr. Katz, Ms. Kabas, I think you both missed your true callings. Really, I do. You're both obviously so concerned with the well-being of others, it strikes me that one or both of you should have instead become police officers, rather than paid writers.

They wouldn't make good police officers in the states, because police officers have to have proof.

However, they'd make excellent bobbies, because British cops go chasing after tweets and facebook posts.

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"Nazi" is a term that is often badly misused to apply to any sort of extremism on either political side that the author chooses to ascribe the term to. How much of this actually has to do with the term's origin- the German abbreviation of the name of Adolf Hitler's National Socialist political party-cum-cult- is beyond my comprehension. But slurs of any kind have no business being cavalierly bandied about.

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Dec 25, 2023
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What a lovely example of inhumanity you are

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Pointing out liberal hypocrisy is an exercise in futility. Liberals don't have principles, they have talking points and arguments carefully engineered to evoke an emotional reaction, either support from their own people or a flailing attempt to defend against baseless allegations from their enemies. Remember kids, liberals don't want principles, they want power.

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Dec 25, 2023
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Thank you for demonstrating my point for everyone

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Censors of any sort do not trust the READER to make a discernible difference between hate speech and reasonable discourse. Let’s move on.

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Excellent rebuttal! Also worth noting that Nazi is usually paired now with "Transphobes" so basically anyone who doesn't swallow the progressive Puritan dogma hook link and sinker is a vile Nazi. Dangerous slope we're on. Thanks for this excellent take.

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The problem is that we people who still use common sense, old fashioned values and critical thinking who are white and working class are the enemy so we are the 'Far Right'. Makes me laugh as I always say it takes one to know one and the people screeching all the time with thin skins and narratives are the fascist thugs in the modern world - wanting to punish, censor and even murder their fellow humans for having a different opinion. Shame on them I say.

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What an absolute amazing take down of the absurdity that is going on right now. I really appreciate your perspective. You've coherently voiced what many, many of us have been thinking and trying to convey.

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Katz is a nazi wannabe, that's all there is to this story. He's finding what he's looking for. He's an authoritative lefty taking notes from the real thing.

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Dec 25, 2023
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So did mine-- he probably saved your g'fathers ass. Further back, mine fought in the civil war, from Jackson, Michigan (you wouldn't know what that means). And even further back, my great+ father was alongside George Washington in Valley Forge and crossing the Delaware. You know what I did?

I served two stints in the Peace Corps, in Sierra Leone then in Costa Rica. Then I served in the Americorps I Have A Dream program at Harriet Tubman MS in PDX through grad school.

Go on.

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Mr. Katz addresses this in a response piece aimed at Matt Taibbi. You guys, it's totally NOT that there aren't examples, mind you, because BELIEEEEEEEEVE him, they are too numerous to list! Nah, it's because he wouldn't want to draw attention to and potentially spread Substack's Nazi problem beyond its already very problematic reach.

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You got me with the first sentence. Great hook!

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Thank you for that. I'm not usually a non-fiction guy.

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This censorius attitude is getting out of hand, thankfully Mark Millar over on twitter finally got sick of it and dubbed these fascists 'cancel-pigs' which is an appropriate name for them. So tired of their twaddle infecting fiction (especially as I write serial novels here so I really don't want it on this site) in particular didn't know Fictionistas had been caught up with it, was just about to take a look at that substack. Darn it.

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Dec 16, 2023
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If you have to worry about the twaddle LARPing Nazi nitwits are spewing, spreading like wildfire, you got bigger problems out there.

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Dec 21, 2023
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I suggest you pick up a book and read up about the Weimar Republic.

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Dec 21, 2023
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*Voices Unheard*👀

Ah, I see; just so. Sorry to have bothered you.

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Deliciously scathing and much appreciated.

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How shit at the internet are you that you couldn’t find nazis in 3 days?

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Hear, hear! I especially like solution B, which I summarize as “knock off the ‘free speech only for speech I like’ bullshit.”

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Hey uh Joshua why don't you take a look in your own comments section for the Nazis? Clarence Wilhelm Spangle. I reported him but thought I should let you know since you seem to be having trouble finding the Nazis on Substack.

I didn't see them at first either, but he came to my comments too after I posted this regarding this subject (link removed at the request of the publication owner)

I humbly invite you and your readers to my page and tell me what you think... make sure you get to the bit at the end about Richard Spencer's "Alexandria" Substack with hundreds of paid subs.

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Additional side-note: please do not use the comments section of my work to link to your Substack without checking to see if I'm all right with you using my publication space to promote your material. I've usually no qualms about such links, but I would appreciate the courtesy of the request.

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Dec 25, 2023
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I expect honesty, an honorable quality in a person. A quality your grandfather likely fought for, and which you debase by lying and obfuscating. You claim me and label me a Neo-Nazi and that I am 'dog-whistling' to such persons.

Prove such claims with direct evidence, beyond doubt, or cease making such claims, else I will continue to assert you are lying.

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Spangle has tried causing trouble and spamming in my comments before. I delete his comments and move on, though I have now blocked him. He's free to type his blather and nonsense on his own space.

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I first encountered Clarence Spangle in the comments section of BitChute about five years ago. He likes to stick his nose everywhere, and quite a few BitChuters have latched on to the idea that he is an ADL plant whose entire purpose is to discredit free speech platforms as “Nazi hug-boxes,” which, NGL, I think is not merely plausible, but very likely. Anyone with a large enough audience, be they left, right, centre, or sideways, is going to have Spangle show up and cause trouble. Hell, even other white supremists dislike him. Screenshots of his bile have been circulating ever since the SAN became a thing, but I find it rather curious that one of the biggest Nazi trolls on the entire internet was never mentioned in Katz’s original article that got this fecal funnel cloud a-whirling in the first place… were I a wee bit more conspiratorial, I might suspect collusion between the two.

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Instead of running a concerted search followed up by some virtuous naming and shaming, how about we just let them go along their way, and we’ll go ours?

See, your mob solution is only less of a problem than theirs by degrees.

Yesterday, in just one day, >18,000 foreign nationals from all over the planet illegally crossed our border. Most have little more than a grade 5 education. Many are illiterate in their native languages. Few to none have any skilled trade. But here they are, with their hands out.

And y’all want me to worry about some LARPing Nazi nitwits?


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I would really like to know how since 'yesterday, in just one day' you have not only ascertained that more than 18,000 people crossed a border (which border? One of the US borders? You have three, I think: there are many other borders: more specificity would help readers) illegally (that's a LOT of record checking: did you do that on your own?), and that indeterminate numbers are illiterate and/or below the education that a ten year old gets in the US. And that 'few to none' (how many is that out of 18,000?) don't have a skilled trade. Really, that's a tremendous amount of information gathering you've done: what were your sources?

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Did Chandra send you, ma’am?

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No, I'd never encountered Chandra till I came across your post. No idea who they are.

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Dec 25, 2023
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Lady, your comments all over this piece are unhinged and add zilch to the discourse. If anything, they just strengthen the resolve of people who don't believe that you and your worldview ought to be dictating what everyone else can read. Get a grip.

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Gee...why would I do something like that?

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